Robertson Family Home Page


Discussion Reunion 2002 Pictures Directory Calendar Our Family Tree


Welcome Descendants of 

Johnnie (Roberson) Robertson and Loucrecia Chew


They came before us...They left a legacy.

Let us Remember to continue the Legacy.   

  In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.  In the beginning God created the family.  As we enter another spring,  our first expression is "Thank you Lord".   Next we must acknowledge that we have come this far by faith, leaning  on the Lord.  For in times like these, it does not take much to imagine where we would be "If it had not been for the Lord on our Side". 
     As a family we must always remember to keep Christ first in our lives, never failing to remember from whence we have come.  We must also stress family unity and being together as a group, so that we can learn about and from each other.  We must teach our children about the older people and remind them of the things they represent.  Only then will we understand where we have come from, why we are who we are, where we are, where we are going, and what it will take to get there.   Let us be living examples so that we can keep our legacy alive.


The Reunion Committee


     This website has been developed to give the Robertson family a place to meet electronically.  We welcome any suggestions you have for this site.   Our vision is to have a place where the family can come to find out about upcoming events, see current family pictures, and keep in touch.  Please visit each page as it becomes available.  Also visit frequently for updated information about the family reunion.

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This web site created and maintained by: Lenny Robinson