Lenora's Photo Album




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Lenora Foster

Linda Foster



















Lenora Foster

Lenora Foster with Children 
Linda, Romus, David, Matt and Billy

Top : Georgia, Derrick, Linda, Rashad, Debra, Becky, Billy Romus Middle: Kenya, Greta, Anaya, Crecia, Shantel, Matt
Bottom: Derek, Braylon, Geron















Our new edition
 Courtney Foster

Mariah, Morgan,
Taryn, and Courtney



Derek and Rashaad















Linda and 
LaCrecia Foster 

Rashaad  and 
LaCrecia Foster 

Brandon Foster and fiancé Angela


LaCrecia, Derek, Derrick and Tavon












Linda, Derek, Carol, Paul and Romus

Matt and Romus Foster

Kenya Foster

Shantel Foster















David Foster

David Foster

Geoffrey Foster and 
fiancé Zamara

















Derrick Foster

Tavon Foster


Diamond Foster




















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This web site created and maintained by: Lenny Robinson