Jan  15  2002




Schedule of Events Accommodations Reunion Committees Correspondence Family Pledge July 23 2001 Aug 22 2001 Sept 18 2001(1) Sept 18 2001(2) Dec 7 2001(1) Dec  7 2001(2) Jan  15  2002 April 11 2002 May 21 2002


REUNION ANNOUNCEMENT #4: mailed to all family members for whom we have addresses


Dear Family Member:


Thanks to some recent confirmations, we have decided to go forward with the Robertson Family Reunion 2002.  Unfortunately, however, WE HAVE CLOSED THE REGISTRATION to those who have not paid or made payment arrangements.  Checks, from all those who have paid, will be deposited by immediately.


Attached is the most current information we have for  your family.  Please review and return the form, even if you do not have any changes, by April 1, 2002 or THIS IS THE INFORMATION THAT WILL BE PRINTED IN THE DIRECTORY


If you are NOT attending the reunion, but would like to purchase a Robertson Family Pictorial Calendar / Directory, at $15 each, please mail the attached form and check(s) or money order(s) made payable to

The Robertson Reunion

and send to:

Tina Robinson


The Robertson Pictorial Calendar/ Directory is FREE of charge for all reunion attendees


Finally, the web page, although under construction, includes airport and hotel information and will be available for viewing by February 1, 2002 (at that time, we will e-mail the web address).  Hotel rooms must be reserved by June 1st (to make reservations, please call 517-323-7100 and identify yourself as a member of the Robertson Family Reunion).  Again, the cost is $79 per night, which is valid from July 1st through July 7th.


We look forward to seeing you soon,



Tina and Traycee



P.S.  REMINDER:  The second installation payment is due Feb 1 2002.  

July 23 2001 ] Aug 22 2001 ] Sept 18 2001(1) ] Sept 18 2001(2) ] Dec 7 2001(1) ] Dec  7 2001(2) ] [ Jan  15  2002 ] April 11 2002 ] May 21 2002 ]


Please email us with your comments at: reunion2002@att.net
This web site created and maintained by: Lenny Robinson