Sept 18 2001(1)




Schedule of Events Accommodations Reunion Committees Correspondence Family Pledge July 23 2001 Aug 22 2001 Sept 18 2001(1) Sept 18 2001(2) Dec 7 2001(1) Dec  7 2001(2) Jan  15  2002 April 11 2002 May 21 2002

REUNION ANNOUNCEMENT #3: mailed to family members, for whom we have addresses, who did not respond to initial mailing

Dear Family Member:


I am writing to follow up on the Robertson Family Reunion announcement mailed to your family in July.  As stated in that letter, and the electronic request sent in August (to those with e-mail addresses), there is a tremendous need for everyone to return their Family Directory Form.  The specified deadline of September 1, 2001, was set so that we could get an indication of how many people to expect.  In addition, without this information, we are at risk of creating an inaccurate / incomplete calendar, directory, and family tree.  So, please, if you haven’t already done so, review your letter thoroughly and return the form, along with recipes and photos (preferably group shots), in the postage paid envelope addressed to

DeLea Kearse

OR email this information to


Also, next year’s reunion fee has been set at $75 for ages 13 and over, and will be waived for those who are age 12 and under (please note that the hotel room rate is $79 per night and is separate from the reunion fee).  Installment payments, for each attendee, age 13 and over, can be made by the following dates:


Deposit #1                  $25 due Oct 1, 2001

Payment #2                 $25 due Feb 1, 2002

Final Balance             $25 due May 1, 2002


Checks or money orders should be made payable to The Robertson Reunion and mailed to:


Tina Robinson

Thank you, in advance for your assistance and participation in Celebrating and Continuing the Legacy.


With Love,


DeLea (Johnson) Kearse - -“Traycee”


P.S.  The due date for your $25 deposit, October 1, 2001, is just around the corner….

July 23 2001 ] Aug 22 2001 ] [ Sept 18 2001(1) ] Sept 18 2001(2) ] Dec 7 2001(1) ] Dec  7 2001(2) ] Jan  15  2002 ] April 11 2002 ] May 21 2002 ]


Please email us with your comments at:
This web site created and maintained by: Lenny Robinson