Sept 18 2001(2)




Schedule of Events Accommodations Reunion Committees Correspondence Family Pledge July 23 2001 Aug 22 2001 Sept 18 2001(1) Sept 18 2001(2) Dec 7 2001(1) Dec  7 2001(2) Jan  15  2002 April 11 2002 May 21 2002


REUNION ANNOUNCEMENT #3: mailed to family members, for whom we have addresses, who responded to initial mailing



I am writing to thank you for returning your Robertson Family Directory Form, which was mailed to you in July.  With your response, among others, our risk of creating an inaccurate / incomplete calendar, directory, and family tree has significantly decreased.


As stated in the announcement, next year’s reunion fee has been set at $75 for ages 13 and over, and will be waived for those who are age 12 and under (please note that the hotel room rate is $79 per night and is separate from the reunion fee).  Installment payments, for each attendee, age 13 and over, can be made by the following dates:


Deposit #1                  $25 due Oct 1, 2001

Payment #2                 $25 due Feb 1, 2002

Final Balance             $25 due May 1, 2002


Checks or money orders should be made payable to The Robertson Reunion and mailed to:


Tina Robinson


Thank you, in advance for your assistance and participation in Celebrating and Continuing the Legacy.


With Love,




DeLea (Johnson) Kearse - -“Traycee”




P.S.  When you mail your $25 deposit to Tina, by OCTOBER 1st, please remember to include recipes and photographs (preferably group shots) for the pictorial calendar.

July 23 2001 ] Aug 22 2001 ] Sept 18 2001(1) ] [ Sept 18 2001(2) ] Dec 7 2001(1) ] Dec  7 2001(2) ] Jan  15  2002 ] April 11 2002 ] May 21 2002 ]


Please email us with your comments at:
This web site created and maintained by: Lenny Robinson